[ snips ]

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 06:40:18 -0500

> Skippy,
> This is from my son's box that uses SuSE 7.3 Pro, KDE 2.2.1 Kernel
> 2.4.10-4GB.  I DO NOT use hdx=ide-scsi. I have a dvd and a cdrom
> on the box. However, both are eide/atapi:

You do not mention anything about a cd-burner.  What you describe appears normal (scsi 
not needed) until you bring a cd-burner into the picture.  The burner must be scsci 
(emulated or real) and this brings everything that Mike Andrew  (et al) posted into 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
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