On 2013-10-10 16:52, Paul Mather wrote:
On Oct 10, 2013, at 9:08 AM, Giles Coochey <gi...@coochey.net <mailto:gi...@coochey.net>> wrote:


Incredible!!!! the way I am seeing the reaction to the initial question, and trying to query very valid points are now leading me to seriously reconsider the potential risk I have in continuing to use pfsense as a security tool.

Some people value the S/N ratio of mailing lists. I believe the people asking for the discussion to be moved elsewhere are motivated by that.

Those people should just learn how to use a mailing list properly, before using one. A mailing list is *not* just "I enter my daily use email address somewhere and receive emails". For participating properly at a mailing list you need a proper mail reader that is able to sort mail into conversation threads (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversation_threading). Then you go and pick the threads that interest you and read them. And you ignore those, who do not interest you. Additionally it is advised to use an email address only for reading mailing lists.

Of course anyone can use a mailing list as he desires, e.g. by just subscribing to a mailing list with his daily use email address and then get his daily use email inbox spammed with tons of unsorted and un-threaded email about all sorts of discussion topics that are of no interest to him. Everyone's own choice! But please: Those people should not complain about receiving tons of email that do not interest them. And of course they can't tell others to talk only about topics that are of their own interest, that is ridiculous. Full stop.

The original poster in this thread asked for a direct answer to a straightforward question and he got it, yet still he continues to pursue this thread. To what end?

Errrr, as long as a wish?! There is no quota on how long any member of this list is allowed to discuss a topic, is there? If you are not interested, just do not read this THREAD. You don't use a conversation threaded email reader to participate to a mailing list? Not my problem, sorry. Go use one. See above.

People are outraged at the NSA revelations, but the pfSense mailing list is not the appropriate place to be outraged at that.

Sorry, this is not up to you to judge. I think that my question is very well related to pfSense and thus the mailing lists of pfSense is the right place to do so. And again: If you are not interested in this thread, DO NOT READ it. So simple actually?!

Maybe if we can establish that, we can finally wrap up this thread as far as pfSense is concerned and get back to a pfSense-focused mailing list.

You can switch *right at this very moment* to a discussion thread that is of more interest for you and there you go!

Thinker Rix
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