On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 7:39 PM, José Antonio Rey <j...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I would be for doing it on the week of the 4th September. That way, if
> someone cannot finish something (as an example, in the documentation),
> they will have more time to finish. I am saying this because most of the
> contributions are to the docs, and the dates you are proposing are just
> one week before doc freeze. Any other ideas?

I think the proposed dates are alright, and September 5-7 would be ok
too (Labor day in US is Sept 1, so no conflict there), but I'd really
rather see these Jams planned further ahead in general (too late for
this cycle). Daniel's proposed date is after both Feature and UI
Freeze, making packaging jams and anything related to design not very
useful if someone wants to contribute to this release - and having a
package sit in a queue until the next release opens is really no fun.
Doing it earlier in the cycle would still allow for great Testing and
Bug jams, and squeeze packaging back in.

While the Docs team does appreciate having the Jam before freeze this
time (thank you!), it does mean they only have a week to review the
merge proposals before freeze, putting a bit of pressure on reviewing
these in addition to any other last minute things that need to be

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