The biggest complaints we seem to be getting are about the effort in 
transitioning from Log4j 1.x to 2.  To be fair, they would have the same amount 
of effort to transition to anything.  I believe someone created a tool to help 
convert Log4j 1.x configuration to Log4j 2 format.  At the very least we should 
link to that. If possible, we should consider incorporating it into our web 

What has been encouraging to me is the activity on Stack Overflow.  As of right 
now I get 3,162 Log4j 2 questions vs 12,425 SLF4J questions and 6,581 Logback 
questions.  Both SLF4J and Logback have been around far longer.  I think our 
participation there has really helped.

OTOH, the discussion on the Commons Dev list was rather disappointing.  


> On Jun 13, 2016, at 7:52 AM, Remko Popma <> wrote:
> In spite of the fact that Log4j 2 has a very compelling story in terms of 
> feature set and performance, I get the impression that adoption is quite 
> slow. I could be wrong, but how many open source projects use Log4j 2? Or 
> even how many Apache projects?
> I propose we try to generate some ideas about what we can do to increase our 
> uptake. Some things I've been thinking about:
> * Rewrite the Wikipedia page on Log4j <>. 
> It's mostly about Log4j 1.2 and mentions Log4j 2 at the bottom in a footnote. 
> That needs to be the other way around in my opinion. The Wikipedia Java 
> logging framework <> page 
> is even worse.
> * The Apache Logging site <> has no explicit 
> mention that Log4j 1 is EOL.
> * Only the top page on the Log4j 1 site 
> <> mentions that the project is EOL, but 
> it does so in two modest sentences that don't visually stick out and are 
> easily ignored. At the very least the download page needs a mention of the 
> EOL and a link to the Log4j 2 project, but it may be good to have a 
> notification on every page.  
> * Can we get other people involved in evangelizing log4j 2? It would be great 
> if we can make more people enthusiastic so they write blog posts or tutorials 
> etc about Log4j 2.
> * How can we incentivise people to convert their project to Log4j 2? Maybe 
> start a page on Projects Using Log4j 2 and mention people who did the 
> conversion by name? Or some other way?
> Thoughts?
> Remko

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