On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> Robin Houston sent the following bits through the ether:
> > - This is a public list. Anyone can subscribe using an advertised
> >   address.
> This is the key point. It is a public list. If you don't like the idea
> that your potential employers or employees could read everything you
> write then:
>   o grow up
>   o conversations in the pub are not the same as a mailing list
>   o people are leaky in real life - it pays to be honest all the time

at first I thouught 'ooh an archive .. thats kewl'

then someone mentioned it was a public archive, outside our control ...
'uhh oh!  I don't like that! .. I mean I could say somethng about someone
and they could find it and .. eeughhhh'

and then I thought 'but .. on the other hand the person could be
subscribed RIGHT NOW anyway .. so i guess it makes no difference.. mean
what you say and say what you mean.  so .. an archive .. kewl :)'

I must admit I don;t particularly like the idea of someone else holding
this info though .. I mean .. its like 'ours' innit .. but i have no
objection to an archive per-se, even a public one.

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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