Am 05.04.2018 um 04:47 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:

In my opinion it is that important, because updating LyX could break
something else on a user's computer.

No! Why do you claim this again? Don't mix potential bugs in a LaTeX package on CTAN with LyX. With this argumentation every package update could introduce bugs. LyX is not responsible for bugs on CTAN.

Sooner or later people must update MiKTeX to be able to obtain packages. If expert users really want to freeze their MiKTeX, they can already do this in the MiKTeX settings and the LyX installer respects this. Only experienced users know how the package handling update is done and even then you can get serious troubles because of bugs in some MiKTeX versions. So it is the right way to force the upgrade AND to do the right update steps in the right order, so that independent on your MiKTeX version, you end up with an upgraded and working MiKTeX.

It is wrong to say, LyX is not allowed to update MiKTeX because of potential bugs on CTAN. I mean with this directive on Linux they cannot upgrade e.g. my Qt5 from e.g. 5.6 to 5.9 because there could be a regression bug in Qt5.9 that would affect all apps using Qt5.

I think that analogies can be useful in making points, but only if they
fit correctly. In this analogy what is the part that is analogous to a
MiKTeX update breaking something?

Again, the MiKTeX update doesn't break anything, see above and we spoke about this now a dozen times.

It annoyed me that I had to explain what I mean with "average users". You already had you experienced with unexperienced users under Windows. So you should understand why I decided in favor of average users and sorted the info for the experts out to the release announcement.

Finally, please tell me why it is not sufficient that expert users can read the release announcement to make certain MiKTeX settings if they like before they use the Win installer and why we should instead bother average users with a question that they cannot understand instead and risk that these average users will end up with an completely broken MiKTeX if they made the wrong decision in the dialog they could not understand?!
Unless I get no sensible answer to this I won't debate any longer.

Working towards an official Windows binary is very important to me.

What has the installer to do with the binary of LyX? The compilation of the lyx.exe doesn't include the Win installer. If you doesn't like to have the installer code in our git repository, I will remove it, no problem. Then you cannot claim that the installer behavior is a LyX thing. The more I think about it, this seems to be the only solution that you can focus again on LyX. So do you agee, that I remove the installer from LyX's git? If yes, you can release LyX as binary and the packages for the different OSes can do their job and we save time to debate things not directly related to LyX. Alternatively just change the files that the Win installer is no longer included to LyX releases.

thanks and regards

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