> The file prints fine.

Good news.

> Other quibbles:
> 1. The "note" up front: translate 'oder' to 'or'.


> 2. sec, table: the word 'add' is sometimes in the default
> font, sometimes marked 'Sans Serif'.

All 'add' are sans serif now.

> 3. sec, second *: it's _displayed_ math that doesn't work in a
> section heading. Inline math is fine.

Rendered more precisely.

> 4. sec, second-to-last paragraph: the ERT "\linebreak" seemes
> unneccesary. If it's needed, replace with 'C-Return'.

\linebreak is not C-Return (\newline).
I added these commands to avoid 'overfull \hbox'-warnings.
(BTW LyX should support \linebreak. I'll open an enhancement in bugzilla.)

> 5. 3.4.1, discussion of keybindings: do consider a footnote reminding
> R-To-L users that "S-M-Left", "S-M-Right" decrease and increase the
> nesting level respectively, regardless of the direction of the
> paragraph!

This confuses me. The text doesn't say that S-M-Left or S-M-Right depends on the direction. How did you came on this idea?
Anyway I corrected the menu name from 'Increase List Depth' to 'Increase Environment Depth'.

> 6. 3.4.2, "Unnestable": Part* and Chapter* in 'default' rather than
> 'Sans Serif' font.

They are 'Sans Serif' now.

> 7. 5.7.2, example: this should use '\cases' rather than a 2x2 matrix.

Then you have to use AMS-LaTeX. The userguide never used this.
I wrote an extra documentation, that explains it:

(still in german, but I'll translate it sometime)

> [independently, does '\cases' deserve its own subsection?]


Here the corrected version of UserguidePDF:


regards Uwe

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