On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> > * Changed "Macro names mustn't contain numbers!"
> >   into        "Macro names cannot contain numbers!"
> What is the difference between mustn't and may not/cannot?
> Mustn't = may not, or am I wrong?

The reason I didn't like 'Mustn't' is that it sounds too much like spoken
language, i.e. slang.

As for the semantic difference of 'may not', 'cannot' and 'must not', you
need to ask someone with a more conscious knowledge of English grammar :-(
I used to know this stuff, but that was well over a decade ago.

We should let the "natives" decide this --- any natives out there? ;-)

> > * Added this to the preamble:
> >     % Set nicer fonts for PDF-output
> >     \usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet}
> >     \usepackage{mathptmx}
> >     \usepackage{courier}
> >    so that the PDF file's fonts don't look crappy
> I can't compile the doc when I use
> \usepackage{mathptmx}
> some tfm fonts couldn't be loaded, probably due to
> the table in chapter 6.6.3.
> Has anybody the same problem?

I get a warning:

        dvips: Warning: missing glyph `dotlessj'

when I do View->PDF and use 'mathptmx', but that's all.

> Another way is to use ae in Layout->Document->Layout->Font

Or times (which also gives 'missing ... dotlessj'. But Herbert keeps
saying these options are depreceated. OTOH, what he recommends is maybe
not available on all systems...

> but then we have to hack to get the characters in table (chapter 6.6.3) 
> displayed.
> BTW. I've installed ghostview 4.5 and it doesn't look pixeld.

The PDF output looks ok when you use ghostview 3.5.8 as well, but not 
when you use Acroread... then it's crappy regardless if I use 
        View-PDF, View->PDF (dvipdfm) or View->PDF (pdflatex).

I'm using tetex 2.02 and ghostscript 8.00.

> > * Added this to the preamble:
> > 
> >     % Use roman page number in general, but
> >     % arabic numbers up until the TOC
> >     % In addition, add a PDF bookmark for the TOC
> >     \pagenumbering{roman}
> >     \let\myTOC\tableofcontents
> >     \renewcommand\tableofcontents{%
> >     %\hypertarget{Inhalt}{}
> >     \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{TOC}
> >     \myTOC
> >     \clearpage
> >     \pagenumbering{arabic}
> >     }
> >    so that we get the roman/arabic page numbering (I like it! ;-)
> I corrected it:
> % the pages of the TOC are numbered roman
> % and a PDF bookmark for the TOC is added
> \pagenumbering{Roman}
> \let\myTOC\tableofcontents
> \renewcommand\tableofcontents{%
>   \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{}
>   \myTOC
>   \clearpage
>   \pagenumbering{arabic}      }
> - use big roman numbers: 'Roman' instead of 'roman'

Question: Should we add a list of tables and a list of figures? I'm 
guessing there aren't many figures, but maybe there are some tables?

> > * Change "URLs mustn't end with a backslash!" into
> >      "URLs may not end with a backslash!"
> See my question above.

Same answer.


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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