Am Montag, dem 14.02.2022 um 07:01 -0700 schrieb Hal Kierstead:
> I am sorry, but I do not understand this. First, I do:
> >   Document > Settings > Child Document from the master, include
> > only
> > the desired child and click "Maintain counters and references”. 
> And save it. But if I (immediately) check again the setting is back
> to “Include all children”. 

The latter shouldn't be the case. How exactly did you try to change
this setting?

> When I view the master document, I get the whole document correctly.

And you should get only the included children (and the master).

> Suppose I want to edit the included Chapter 2. I can right click on
> it in the master, to open the LyX version of the included file, and
> make changes. Now I would like to view those changes, with proper
> references, citations, and numbering. “View master document” gives an
> error.  “Buffer-view pdf” does not show the references, citations,
> and numbering. 

What error does "View master document" give?


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