Really sad landscape then. I think Snow Leopard will be kept at bay. I
have a wife writing her thesis and I don't want to mess up with here
rhythm as nagging error messages are known to disrupt it. ;)
Julio Rojas

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:21 PM, BH <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Johannes Knaus <> 
> wrote:
>> Just my two cents:
>> I would wait until the crashes are fixed. It is true that you don't loose
>> any work as LyX keeps on running, but the crash warnings will also keep
>> nagging you as they appear quite often.
>> My own "experiments" on compiling LyX on 10.6 have failed, as I apparently
>> have installed the wrong QT-version and cannot get rid of it (see my
>> previous post on this). There seems to be a QT-from-Macports-Snow-Leopard
>> incompatibility issue as well.
>> So I'm also waiting for an "official" solution, hoping I will be rescued by
>> the LyX-Mac developers.
> I hope you're not holding your breath. We really don't have any LyX
> developers on Mac, and we'd welcome anyone with expertise who could
> help out here. (I'm able to package up the binaries, but that's far
> from being a developer.)
> *Perhaps* things will change when I transition to 10.6, but I have a
> feeling that's going to be a while since my personal Macs are PPC (and
> so cannot run 10.6), and the IT department at work (where I have an
> Intel Mac) is conservative about upgrades.
> BH

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