Hopefully you find out it’s not an Apple device listening.

> On Apr 28, 2018, at 6:25 PM, John Robinson <profilecoven...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Sounds reasonable Tom…there has to be an explanation.  This wasn’t in a 
> hotel, it’s the vacation home of one of the girls.  I’m going to write her in 
> the morning attempting to get more info. about the house.  I know that many 
> of the smart TV’s can be controlled by outside forces, turning on the camera 
> and I assume the microphones….some folks put tape over the camera to attempt 
> some privacy…
> These ladies are quite sharp, well educated, tech savvy, the lady that owns 
> the home I put into Mac computer’s years ago, her husband is a Windows guy 
> but she wanted to go Mac so I took a day off and went to her home to instruct 
> her on a few items, she caught on quickly and only contacted me a couple 
> times later, now she is well versed and I never hear from her…
> I say this only to explain they aren’t the type that can hardly find the on 
> button…while there my daughter rewrote a Real Estate contract, sent to her 
> client for their signature then sent the signed document to the seller’s 
> agent…she also wrote an offer on another piece of property for another 
> client, all on her iPad….
> But understanding how their voices could direct advertising is something they 
> want to understand.
> John
>> On Apr 28, 2018, at 11:32 PM, tom holloman <chuba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is this 1984?
>> On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 4:50 PM John Robinson <profilecoven...@me.com> wrote:
>>> My daughter and two of her friends went to Hilton Head for a few days.  All 
>>> three use nothing but Apple Products, there is an Apple TV in the home, 
>>> iPads, and three iPhones that belong to each of the ladies.
>>> One evening they were discussing a product, TV was not on, Apple TV was not 
>>> on.  None of them had their iPhones on, none of them were using their 
>>> phones to do a search for the product.
>>> The next morning all three of the iPhones popped up advertisements for the 
>>> product they had ONLY verbally been discussing the evening before….freaked 
>>> them out.
>>> So, they tried it again, shutting off everything but leaving the phones in 
>>> their purses.  They discussed a completely different product…sure enough 
>>> all three soon received information on this new subject.
>>> We all know that doing a search for a product will bring scads of 
>>> advertisements for the product and competing products..
>>> But, if there were no searches, only verbal discussions how is this 
>>> information being harvested by some devise in the home.  I don’t know if 
>>> they have an Echo or an Alexa.  I suppose if they do then even if the 
>>> devise is spying on them how does it know each of their email addresses?  
>>> If they had been emailing the night before do these devices have the 
>>> ability to skim the packets and obtain their emails?
>>> If they don’t have an Echo or Alexa  (and I’ll check) does anyone have a 
>>> clue how this could happen?
>>> What if they have an Alarm system, could it be listening and selling the 
>>> info. to Amazon and others?
>>> I told them I would ask the group to see what you thought.
>>> Thanks a bunch,
>>> John
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