My daughter and two of her friends went to Hilton Head for a few days.  All 
three use nothing but Apple Products, there is an Apple TV in the home, iPads, 
and three iPhones that belong to each of the ladies.

One evening they were discussing a product, TV was not on, Apple TV was not on. 
 None of them had their iPhones on, none of them were using their phones to do 
a search for the product.

The next morning all three of the iPhones popped up advertisements for the 
product they had ONLY verbally been discussing the evening before….freaked them 

So, they tried it again, shutting off everything but leaving the phones in 
their purses.  They discussed a completely different product…sure enough all 
three soon received information on this new subject.

We all know that doing a search for a product will bring scads of 
advertisements for the product and competing products..

But, if there were no searches, only verbal discussions how is this information 
being harvested by some devise in the home.  I don’t know if they have an Echo 
or an Alexa.  I suppose if they do then even if the devise is spying on them 
how does it know each of their email addresses?  If they had been emailing the 
night before do these devices have the ability to skim the packets and obtain 
their emails?

If they don’t have an Echo or Alexa  (and I’ll check) does anyone have a clue 
how this could happen?

What if they have an Alarm system, could it be listening and selling the info. 
to Amazon and others?

I told them I would ask the group to see what you thought.

Thanks a bunch,


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