On Friday, 1 September 2017 09:27:18 UTC+2, Michael Brown wrote:
> If you are running os x on a mac I found following commands in the 
> Terminal to create a working sd-card.
> First you have to extract the .bz2 image(in finder)
> michaels-mbp:Delopement mib$ ls
> mksocfpga_jessie_machinekit_4.1.22-2017-08-30-de10-nano_sd.img.bmap
> mksocfpga_jessie_machinekit_4.1.22-2017-08-30-de10-nano_sd.img.tar.bz2
> michaels-mbp:Delopement mib$ ls
> mksocfpga_jessie_machinekit_4.1.22-2017-08-30-de10-nano_sd.img.bmap
> mksocfpga_jessie_machinekit_4.1.22-2017-08-30-de10-nano_sd.img.tar.bz2
> diskutil list
> michaels-mbp:Delopement mib$ sudo dd bs=1m 
> if=mksocfpga_jessie_machinekit_4.1.22-2017-08-30-de10-nano_sd.img 
> of=/dev/rdisk2 conv=sync
> Password:
> 6800+0 records in
> 6800+0 records out
> 7130316800 bytes transferred in 86.625493 secs (82311991 bytes/sec)
> michaels-mbp:Delopement mib$ diskutil list
> /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
>    #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       
>    0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.3 GB   disk0
>    1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
>    2:          Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh HD            499.4 GB   disk0s2
>    3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk0s3
> /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual):
>    #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       
>    0:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD           +499.0 GB   disk1
>                                  Logical Volume on disk0s2
>                                  412B5C72-F06E-4152-AE4B-5BE92D196E52
>                                  Unencrypted
> /dev/disk2 (external, physical):
>    #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       
>    0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *7.9 GB     disk2
>    1:                       0xA2                         1.0 MB     disk2s1
>    2:                 Linux_Swap                         1.1 GB     disk2s2
>    3:                      Linux                         6.1 GB     disk2s3
> Disk Utility  —> eject
> REmember to Read/follow DE10_Nano_Commands.md (like setting a permanent 
> mac address in u-boot )
> :-)

BTW if os x prompts you about unrecognized disk click Ignore....

> On Friday, 1 September 2017 01:03:30 UTC+2, mugginsac wrote:
>> Michael,
>> How much swap did you add? I am trying to get my image to load but my SD 
>> writing programs don't like your image. I use  ApplePi Baker or Etcher. 
>> Etcher complains about no partition table. ApplePi Baker wrote an SD image 
>> but Linux thinks it is a CD. 
>> How do you format the uSD card??
>> sudo sfdisk ${DISK} <<-__EOF__
>> 1M,1M,0xA2,
>> ---------------------------swap format goes here----------------------
>> 2M,,,*
>> __EOF__

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