
I haven't messed with the OS at all. Perl 5.6.0 that comes with OS X 

I built gd 1.8.4 using Scott Anguish's directions on stepwise (as I 
have done before), and that worked just as expected. Then I built a 
specific perl module that helps makes maps (used to work fine on 

I run my scripts unchanged, and I get the following in the apache 
error_log. Seems like gd is not happy.

Without any further info to share (I really don't know what else to 
offer), can anyone shed some light on the following, or guide me to 
someplace I can find answers?

Many thanks.


% tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
[Thu Oct 10 11:00:46 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of 
script headers: /Users/pkishor/Sites/bims/

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