On Friday, October 18, 2002, at 12:41 AM, Puneet Kishor wrote:

You are correct. I did have a wrong idea about cpan's functioning and capabilities, and hence, my "rant" _was_ misguided.
As I said, though - What you said wasn't wrong, just a bit off as to where the blame for the problem should be placed. Your complaint was perfectly valid. The Makefile for the GD module should check for the correct version of libgd. That isn't a problem with CPAN, but it *is* a problem, and you were right to complain about it.

but "they lied when they said it would be easy."
For the most part, it is. But, every rule has its exceptions, and judging by your posts here, you've had the bad luck to have encountered quite a few of the exceptions to this rule, one after another. So hang in there - it usually *is* easier than what you've seen in the past few weeks.

I must say, venting frustration in the ether of a mailing list is a lot better than shoving my head through my iBook's lcd panel.
Cheaper, too! :-)


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