Joel Rees [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:
> What I keep waiting for Apple to do is put out a machine with one
> relatively cheap processor dedicated to the user interface, another
> relatively cheap processor for the file system, and a real hot-dog
> processor to crunch numbers. But I don't think technology is quite
> up to it yet, from the production and maintenance costs point of view.

What?  You're waiting for Apple to produce an Amiga?

You've just described in a nutshell the architecture of an Amiga, circa
1986.  Really great machine, with performance that outstripped both
the Mac and the Atari ST (which, BTW, you could plug Apple ROMS into
and make it run MacOS faster than the Mac at the time).  Apple had the
best marketing, though, so only they had enough market share to survive
against the Microsoft in with IBM.

I'm confused why Apple didn't pick up on that design, either.  It would
make the Mac blindingly fast.

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