> Agreed, the problem here is with libsdl2.  We need to understand what the 
> problem is on
> 10.6 at least and either help upstream to fix it or fix it ourselves. 


I may not be seeing the entire picture (often happens!), but I don’t think 
there is actually a problem on 10.6. It uses the more recent SDKs mostly for 
the iPhone IOS stuff, I think, and maybe for a few other features.

It’s just written in that Availability.h Apple-sanctioned way that enables 
certain features on higher OS versions, but works on lower OS versions as well. 

For example, in MacOSX 10.7 there is a show and hide menu bar feature that is 
enabled if you are on 10.7, but worked around on 10.6.

#if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1070) && !defined(__LP64__)
    if (show) {
    } else {

one thing — in the code of libsdl 2.05 it has this:

# error SDL for Mac OS X only supports deploying on 10.6 and above.

so I think 10.5 is out of luck. libSDL 2.02 or 2.03 was still OK on 10.5 I 
think. I couldn’t get 2.04 to work, and gave up trying as life is too short.


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