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The first time I heard a great Mozart opera, I remember how sexist and classist 
its plot was. I left the music hall filled with wonder at how good the music 
was and how socially defective the plot and lyrics were.  Nobody is suggesting 
that we throw Mozart out the window.  One can focus on the beautiful while not 
forgetting the ugly and the context within which it was written.

> On June 26, 2020 at 7:43 PM Michael Meeropol <mamee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Here's an example --- In many Marx brothers films, there are incredibly 
> stereotyped blacks hanging around, dancing, etc. --- Groucho would often 
> refer to them as "darkies" --- You have to be inured to those elements but I 
> expect that the more sensitive one is, the less likely is one to be willing 
> to ignore that shit and focus on the incredibly clever humor ---
>     I wonder if I could stomach watching "A Day at the Races" again ...Maybe 
> just stop watching near the end!!!
>         > >         Most movies made before the 1960s, that come close to 
> dealing with race or with having racial or racialized components or figures 
> in them, are going to be suspect on these grounds. This is going to be a 
> case-by-case search and decision-making process, and there will be many close 
> calls, though all movies should have a copy at a central museum of film. I am 
> for keeping "Casablanca" in regular use, as I deem its racist components too 
> minor to cause such a good and classic film to disappear from public 
> availability. But that sort of judgment must be applied to many films; some 
> will be put away, most (I suspect) will survive. WH
> > 
> >         >
> > 
> >     > 
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