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Just seeing this now, but this week I will be teaching Birth of a Nation
and like many other "hard films" it cannot and should not be ignored. It is
a moment in a classroom where not only the historical moment of production
can be discussed (the place of Woodrow Wilson, for instance and the rise of
Oscar Micheaux as a direct consequence of BOAN) and how the techniques of
editing and scene composition made the contents (overtly racist) digestible
to the audience and (in not a different way that Scorsese for instance can
make wise guys like Joe Pesci seem "like-able".

Many scenes work so that the viewer is aligned (through camera shots such
as a POVs) to feel the "unfairness" of reconstructions so that we feel
sympathy and thus allegiance with the South and southerners. This is why
the film is so important in terms of the development of formal elements and
so powerful as a piece of propaganda. Because it works and did work for the
audiences of that time and this one. Every semester I teach this, folks who
don't know the history of the film or reconstruction take the "side" of the
south in short clips precisely because of the filmic techniques.

This is the unearthing of ideology as a political unconscious in the words
of Fred Jamison. Every text has them and the work of film analysis as
opposed to "reviews" is to bring this to light, which is why Marxist film
crit is the strongest heuristic that we have, and why the methodology of
film analysis is the focus, not aesthetics. As my wife put it.."who ever
thought that was a *good* movie anyway?"
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