Actually, I like the idea of unit support quite a bit and could well 
imagine that it makes sense
to support it explicitely in matplotlib.

I am using physical units very frequently in my computations. Lacking a 
robust units package,
I simply define the units as numerical constants without checks but at 
least with comfortable
conversion. If there were a good units package, support in matplotlib 
would mean that the axis
labels could automatically be completed with appropriate units without 
need for explicit conversion.

I agree, though, that the units package itself should not be part of 
matplotlib. But this is exactly
how I understand the idea by John Hunter: describe an interface to allow 
the use of any third-party
unit package.

Of course, the whole thing only makes sense is there is a units package 
that is fit for production use.

Darren Dale wrote:
> My first impression is similar to Eric's. I don't know if there is a robust 
> units package for python, but I imagine it should be a part of scipy. I think 
> it would be better to get an array and if you wanted to plot it in different 
> units, you call a method on the array at plot time. Maybe I dont understand 
> all the intended uses.
> Darren

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