On 3/21/07, Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And yes, properties are actually OK even with 2.2, so there's no
> reason to avoid them (and they do provide a nicer, claner user API).
> Decorators are 2.4-only though.

I'm not opposed to properties in principle -- I just didn't want to
start incorporating  them by happenstance.  We have the long running
unresolved issue of whether to use traits or properties, so I scrubbed
the properties as a foolish consitency, to stick to one design
approach until we have made a formal decision on how we want to
approach this, and then port mpl properties en masse.

But I think it would be a good idea to go ahead and derive Artist from
object to make sure this doesn't cause any troubles, and likewise for
the other top level classes, eg FigureCanvasBase and friends.


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