On Apr 3, 2009, at 1:00 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Thanks for the report, Tariel. The rev scripts are inserted as a
backscript if you are installing in the MC IDE. I'm not sure why your
copy couldn't find them. MC Setup checks the revAppVersion() to see if
it is > 0, and if not, it inserts the rev backscript.

What do you get if you put this into the message box:

   put revAppVersion()

In MC, that should return zero.

I just did a test install of the 3.5rc1 engine using the MC IDE and did
not get the error. Did you customize the MC IDE somehow to change

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

Hi Jacque,

I have revAppVersion() = 0

What is happening is that in handler "buildMC" you are calling "displayOSXfolder" (which in turn calls "revPathtoApplescript (pFolderPath))" twice


 if the platform = "MacOS" then displayOSXfolder tDestPath,"close"

and second time just before the handler "BuildMC" handler  ends with

if the platform = "MacOS" then displayOSXfolder tDestPath,"open"

and before you calling it second time, you have

  remove script of btn "revScripts" from back -- in case

So, you have


 remove script of btn "revScripts" from back -- in case
  if sLibURLInserted = true then stop using stack "libURL"
  if the platform = "MacOS" then displayOSXfolder tDestPath,"open"


and because script of btn "revScripts" is removed from back

calling "displayOSXfolder tDestPath,"open"" which in turn calls "put revPathtoApplescript(pFolderPath) into tFolder" fails

best regards

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