On 9/6/2013 18:43, JonY wrote:
> Hello all,
> We will be releasing v3 from trunk soon. Testers, please check with the
> latest trunk version if any of the changes break your applications!
> Some of the new changes since v2 include:
> * Improved floating point math performance
> * Improved MSVC compiler intrinsics performance
> * C99 printf now includes wide variants
> * C99 scanf, including wide variants
> * Partial C1X secure CRT support
> * Partial MS Secure CRT templates for C++
> * Overall improved Windows 7 and 8 win32 API support
> * New component library: winstorecompat - Partial Windows Store
> compatibility code
> * New component library: winpthreads - Pthreads implementation for Windows
> If there are no major hiccups, v3 will be released in a week.

Well, after some bad turmoil, here's at least a beta release:


Still some issues with the VARIANT struct left.

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