Deere and Tango both support all 4 mic & aux inputs supported by Mixxx.
Fader start is not a skin issue. I think a big wall clock would probably be
better served by an actual wall clock rather than a computer screen. Deere
and Tango both have on-air indicators, but they could be more prominent if
that's desired.

It is good to have two full featured skins that features two design tastes.
By default, they schould be instantly usable for the main Mixxx use case:
live DJing
and the school allow access to almost all features. Allow to configure them
for other use-cases is also a good idea, as long there is no drawback for
the main use-case. So we are on the right track here.

With add additional skins, we do not need to focus on full featured live
DJing. We have the chance to "promote" alternative use-cases without all
considerations required for a default skin. This is IMHO true for "Radio",
"Jukebox", "Touch", "Legacy Netbook" and "Design". Loading such skins from
online is a two big thesshold for evaluating users.

If we want to desig n for radio DJs, we should do usability tests with
radio DJs. Watching real people interact with the design is much more
useful than asking people on the Internet for feedback. Usability tests are
quite easy to do:

I fully agree. I hope Stéphane, finds time during his GSoC to do some
usability tests with his colleagues (real radio DJs).

What's a Card Wall Player?

Maybe one else in this list can explain it. AFAIK, it is a button grid with
buttons to start samples. The buttons have different colours and blink
schemas to indicate the state and type. In a GUI these infos can be plain
text as well.

> If there are improvements that would help radio users, I'd rather modify
Tango and Deere than fork them or make a new skin.

I welcome a Card Wall Player in Tango and Deere. But this does not replace
a dedicated radio skin which is instantly usable by default.

> A good skin maintainer for a radio skin, is most likely not a good
> maintainer for a DJ skin. But a good skin with a consistent design is
> maintained the best by a single developer/design artist.
I disagree. A good skin is best designed by a team collaborating and
reviewing each others' work.

This is true for usability, but not for design. From my experience a good
design is usually a monolith. The team can select between Design A and B,
but a mix between both looks usually odd.
I have also the odd experience, that a good design sells better than a good


All skins should support all features, otherwise some users will have to
choose between features and their preferred aesthetics. Users should not be
tied to a skin because their controller mapping doesn't work well with
other skins.

I disagree. If we have a let's say radio skin with an outstanding design.
It is just a pity for the average user he cannot choose that.

I think Deere and Tango both demonstrate that if a GUI is well designed it
can satisfy many use cases without the maintenance burden of a skin for
each use case.

Good work so far! But not a reason to reject other already working skins.

We need peer review, input from people using Mixxx in different ways, and
empirical observations from usability tests to create good designs.

I agree if you mean usability, an not design in terms of beauty.

Like good code, good designs generally don't come from just one person
pursuing their idea.

Finally we need here a conclusion what should happen with Shade and Late
night. I a willing to put some love to Shade, since I actually use it
successfully on my Netbook.

LateNight can be IMHO dropped, since it does not provide a special use
case. How about to save the yellowish​ into Deere?
This way we can argue, that we have merged Deere and LateNight?

By the way: in terms of beauty, I am still sad about dropping 1.1 Deere.
This was quite polished am unique.
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