
I never read Hume, but I did hand in an essay to my SDA english teacher my
sophmore year, on cause and effect, and he called it "Humeian" so I've
always had a certain fondness for the guy who woke father Kant  from his
dogmatic slumbers.  As you do for many! I'm sure.

> Been a long time since I read Hume, but there still doesn't seem to be
> anything found to represent 'cause.'


What do you mean, Marsha?  Don't you think cause exists at least in our own
heads?  If we look in our heads, we'll find this thing, this concept, that
we call cause, and we use this idea to form our world. Thus if you haven't
found it, you've been looking in the wrong places.  Look in your own head,
and you'll find it quickly.


>  Causal explanation is based on stable, predictable patterns.


Causal explanation is an attempt to impose or understand a stable
predictable pattern perceived out of the immediate flux of life.  So yeah,
"based on" is one way of pointing to that, I'd agree.  But cause is
volitional and taught.  Babies learn about cause and effect through a social
training and their conceptual scheme can even be screwed up by bad
programming, but more fundamentally, the way we use cause is a choice we
make in an attempt to achieve some quality in life.


> There is no "autonomous homoculus'


Once again, I disagree completely. If you're talking about a self -  a self
certainly exists. Like cause and effect, it's a social creation that is
"only" in your head, but that existence is just as real and immediate as any
other existence you can think of or touch, and in many ways, more so!  You
seem to be using the argument that the self doesn't *objectively* exist, in
a context that is ridiculous.  Obviously the self cannot be defined in a SO
paradigm, but that doesn't mean the self can't be defined in an MoQ
paradigm.  And in that paradigm, there certainly IS  autonomous homoculuses.
 Yer dealin' with one in fact right now :-)

Gonna send this, and then swap batteries.

as always,

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