I'm a skeptic too, Marsha.  And that's why I was so attracted to Royce's
take on absolute skepticism - when we come down to questioning everything,
the one rock-solid foundation we find that we can use to build a Quality
metaphysics is the indisputable fact that error exists.

> Marsha:
> As a skeptic it was because I didn't trust what went on in "our" heads that
> I
> came to this list.  What do we know and how do we know it?
> Thanks for your response; it is always interesting to hear your take on
> these
> questions.
> John:

And since  error exists, it lies with us to do something about it.  To
figure out what is good, and what is not good.  And to do this, we need
people.  And I am grateful to you, Marsha, for your efforts and
participation as well.

Now to get on my bike and explore Bozeman!
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