Marsha, (and Steve, for example)

Steve said
"It makes no sense to say that we choose our values when we ARE
nothing but our values. Likewise, it makes no
sense to say that we are determined by our values when we ARE our values."

This is the kind of SOMis intellectual argument that has turned me off
MD. (And I'm not picking on Steve, he just happens to be locked in
debate with DMB, just picking out a typical example in response to
your earlier question Marsha.)

It is NOT nonsense to say values choose values, or values determine
values - it IS reality. It is only nonsense to SOMist dreams of
(discrete, well defined) objectivity, that shun (apparent) logical
loops. Some level shifting is required.

We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of argumentation that
created them.
With apologies to Einstein.

PS What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?
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