On Jul 11, 2011, at 5:57 AM, Ian Glendinning wrote:

> Marsha, (and Steve, for example)
> Steve said
> "It makes no sense to say that we choose our values when we ARE
> nothing but our values. Likewise, it makes no
> sense to say that we are determined by our values when we ARE our values."

I'd say this is where we are suspended in language....  

> This is the kind of SOMis intellectual argument that has turned me off
> MD. (And I'm not picking on Steve, he just happens to be locked in
> debate with DMB, just picking out a typical example in response to
> your earlier question Marsha.)
> It is NOT nonsense to say values choose values, or values determine
> values - it IS reality. It is only nonsense to SOMist dreams of
> (discrete, well defined) objectivity, that shun (apparent) logical
> loops. Some level shifting is required.

I agree about the level shifting.  That's the really "hard" work.  ;-)   

> We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of argumentation that
> created them.
> With apologies to Einstein.

A perfect reminder...  

> Ian
> PS What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?



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