On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Steven Peterson wrote:

> Hi Marsha,
> Marsha:
> I just don't get the insistence on MY free-will.  As far as the
> ethical considerations, these statements make the most sense to me.
>> "Dharma, like rta, means 'what holds together.' It is the basis of all 
>> order. It equals righteousness. It is the ethical code. It is the stable 
>> condition which gives man perfect satisfaction.
>> "Dharma is duty. It is not external duty which is arbitrarily imposed by 
>> others. It is not any artificial set of conventions which can be amended or 
>> repealed by legislation. Neither is it internal duty which is arbitrarily 
>> decided by one's own conscience. Dharma is beyond all questions of what is 
>> internal and what is external. Dharma is Quality itself, the principle of 
>> 'rightness' which gives structure and purpose to the evolution of all life 
>> and to the evolving understanding of the universe which life has created."
>>       (LILA, Chapter 30)
>> So MU.
> Steve:
> NIce job digging up this quote. I love how it specifically backs our
> point that dropping internal/external considerations like SOM free
> will/determism do not negate moral structure and purpose. It is
> irrelevant to duty--what dmb surely means by moral responsibility.
> Best,
> Steve

Hi Steve,

It is a good quote, and I think it also points to the caring that John wrote 
about.  For me the way not to be controlled by static patterns is through 
attentive awareness/mindfulness where the right thing to do seems mostly 
to flow naturally.   



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