Strange, Ron, I don't remember dmb's explanation addressing compatibilism.  
Actually, I don't remember dmb presenting being much of an explanation either.  

On Jul 31, 2011, at 12:19 PM, X Acto wrote:

> Steve:
> Why use a term when you can be nearly guaranteed to be misunderstood
> when you use it? Who outside of the handful of people participating in
> this forum would think you were defending the capacity to respond to
> dynamic quality when you say people have free will? How is that
> shorthand helpful even around here?
> Ron:
> Compatibilism in this context has been around for quite some time and believe 
> it 
> or
> not would be understood by more than this forum. If you do a quick search on
> the topic you find that there would not be much confusion at all in using 
> these 
> terms.
> As Stanford encyclopedia writes:
> ".1 Free Will
> It would be misleading to specify a strict definition of free will 
> since in the philosophical work devoted to this notion there is probably
>  no single concept of it. For the most part, what philosophers working on 
> this issue have been hunting for, maybe not exclusively, but centrally, 
> is a feature of agency that is necessary for persons to be morally 
> responsible for their conduct."
> .....


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