If everything is ever changing, then what is static?  Why did Pirsig use that 
specific word?


On Sep 14, 2011, at 12:10 AM, MarshaV <val...@att.net> wrote:

> Hello Ham,
> My understanding of static quality (Value) has always been about process:
>        Static patterns of value are processes: ever-changing, conditionally 
>        co-dependent and impermanent.   (Not independent objects, subjects 
>        or things-in-themselves.)  Ever-changing processes that pragmatically 
>        tend to persist and change within a stable, predictable pattern.
> Marsha 
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Ham Priday wrote:
>> Steve, Andre, Mark, and all Value enthusiasts --
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 6:14 AM, Andre Broersen <andrebroer...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote to Steve:
>>> Pirsig's response to Bodvar: "This is a subtle slip back into subject-object
>>> thinking. Values have bee converted to a kind of object in this sentence,
>>> and then the question is asked, "If values are an object,then where is the
>>> subject?" The answer is found in the MOQ sentence,"It is not Lila who has
>>> values, it is values that have Lila."Both the subject and the object are
>>> patterns of value."( Annotn 76).
>> Rather than making values or Lila an "object", why not consider the fact 
>> that Value is also a verb?   We _value_ things, people, and ideas.  As a 
>> verb, Value means "to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general 
>> worth."  But that's a dead dictionary definition.  Perhaps this short story 
>> will bring it to life for you.
>> "Yesterday evening, while at a friend's house drinking and playing cards, I 
>> was accosted (which might be a strong word) by his slightly drunk roommate, 
>> who demanded to know what my values and beliefs were. "Summarize them in one 
>> word," this fellow ordered.
>> "If I'd been more sober, I could have nipped the whole confusion in the bud, 
>> since its source had been evident from the very first question.
>> "Summarize your values and beliefs in one word," he demanded.
>> "And, after scoffing at the very notion, I said (a bit flippantly but with 
>> as much sincerity as a one-word answer to such a question can contain, when 
>> one is already drunk): "Love."
>> "Okay, two words," he said, "What do you mean, 'love'? What, like 'spread 
>> love'?"
>> "Do you see what just happened?  Do you see what he did just then?  Love is 
>> already a verb. Why should we have to tack on another?  Well, probably 
>> because he assumed love was a noun, a thing, a goal or an end, and not a 
>> process.
>> "But love is a process.  It is a verb.  And furthermore, it is a process of 
>> the self, something that the individual does and must choose, freely, to do. 
>> What are my values, what do I believe in, how do I live my life?  Love   I 
>> love.
>> "When we change our value from 'loving' to 'spreading love,' what happens? 
>> We shift our focus from what we ourselves are doing and thinking (e.g. our 
>> own attitudes, behaviors and ideas), to what others are doing and how we 
>> want them to behave, think and feel.  How far am I willing to go to 'spread 
>> love'"?  Am I willing to 'get rid of' people who I deem less than loving so 
>> that they don't 'spread' their lack of love?  Which is more important--that 
>> I live according to my own values, or that I am effective in making everyone 
>> else live by them?
>> "The difference is that my values are my values, or more accurately, that I 
>> value (v.) certain things regardless of their prominence or dominance for 
>> others, and holding these things as valuable does not hinge on whether or 
>> not anyone else in the world holds them to be so."
>> -- [abridged from 
>> http://meadowsweet-myrrh.blogspot.com/2008/07/value-is-verb.html]
>> My point here is simply that we love or desire what we value.  The 
>> "proximate object" of our attraction may be a piece of music, a rustic 
>> scene, a beloved person, or a metaphysical concept of the universe on which 
>> our focus is fixed.  But what produces this attraction is neither the 
>> noumenon nor the phenomenon, not "me" or "other", but the fact that the 
>> conscious Self is separated from the Source of its being.  That source is 
>> experientially represented by the object of our awareness.  But the 
>> phenomenon is only an "appearance" presented to us; it is not our being but 
>> the being of something from which we are conditionally estranged --  
>> something we fervently seek for ourselves.
>> This is how I understand Value.  It isn't a realm of the universe constantly 
>> moving towards "betterness".  It isn't a hormonal change in our biological 
>> state called "emotion".  Value is the affinity of the sensible Self for the 
>> wholeness of Essence which created it.  It is our inextricable bond with the 
>> essential Source that both divides and connects us in the Self/Other 
>> dichotomy of existence.
>> Does this self-activated concept of Value resonate with any of you?  Do we 
>> really need a hierarchy of levels and patterns to appreciate what links us 
>> to the essential Source of our finite being?  I'd be interested to know what 
>> you think.
>> Valuistically speaking,
>> Ham
> ___
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