No. Where is it? I'll see if I can find it without much hassle...


22.3.2012 19:23, 118 kirjoitti:
LOL indeed!  Have you read Pirsig's letter to the LS group?

Sent laboriously from an iPhone,

On Mar 21, 2012, at 8:12 PM, Tuukka Virtaperko<>  

21.3.2012 23:46, david buchanan kirjoitti:
Tukka said to Joe, Marsha, DMB:
....Marsha may be incoherent or weird, but she had contributed even more than 
Joe. Nobody has to believe her or take her as some sort of an ideologist, but 
it appears than in the past, she has inspired people and somehow fueled 
discussion. She is respected at LS, where people follow what is being spoken 

dmb says:
Apparently you are unaware, Tukka, that the "LS" group is composed of a bunch 
of rejects. To be respected there is a shameful thing.

Lol lol lol... throwing away respect, are we? You think you're so grand you can 
simply _afford_ to have other people not respect you? Well well well... you 
have a lot to learn from life, kiddo

Tuukka also said:
Why don't you focus on my work? Are you just being a bully or are you trying to 
"purify" the MOQ from potential adulterants? In the latter case, my work is of 
much more concern to you.

dmb says:
Agreement with Pirsig is not required, like I already said, but it simply isn't 
possible to agree, disagree, improve, alter, illuminate ANYTHING until you 
understand it first. I sincerely wish there was competent disagreement around 
here. That sort of thing can be very educational. My complaint are not about 
the lack of conformity. It's about the lack of quality in thought and speech. 
It's about getting rid of incoherent drivel, not alternative views.

Hey, I agree with you on this one. The debate isn't that sophisticated, only 
the mental atmosphere is nice because of the absence of the usual compulsory 
Western illusions and fallacies. But I think it's better to recruit new 
members, somehow, than to complain to the current ones.

I sure would like to improve the level of this forum. I haven't been active 
here for such a long time. You know, maybe if Mark or Matt were still 
interested of the things they once were, and met me now, maybe we could 
cooperate a lot. Maybe a new Mark or Matt will come.

But the MOQ should attract attention in order to get new members. The question 
is, given that Pirsig is largely inert currently, how do we do this? On whose 

Despite criticizing the level of discussion here, I'd like to thank Mark for 
some excellent and recent discussions.


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