Hi MarshaV and All,

In DQ/SQ metaphysics there is the experience of indefinable DQ.

Metaphysics explore aspects of indefinable reality.  Faith and metaphysics
follow differing disciplines.  Faith acknowledges revelations, miracles,
beyond the purview of DQ/SQ metaphysics.  We are not alone!

>From the point of view of reality the conjunction between 'indefinable'
reality in metaphysics and the strength of faith in individuals show us that
we can be synchronous and not contrary.

We create unnecessary dualities in perception through contradictions between
logic and faith.  DQ/SQ is an answer.  Indefinable reality like DQ and faith
enhances reality, appealing to historical symbolical realities noted outside
logical perceptions in definable experience.  We are not alone!

Practically faith is necessary for the differing individualities.  I am not
alone!  Faith demands the search for truth beyond the conventional logical
search!  E.g., an individual rising from a grave after being buried for
three days.  

Logical truth DQ/SQ includes indefinable activity!  I expect that I am not
alone!  I was taught that I have a guardian angel.  I hope!


On 7/24/13 11:40 PM, "MarshaV" <val...@att.net> wrote:

> Joe,
> On Jul 24, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Joseph  Maurer <jh...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Indefinable is not the same as unknowable!
> Are there any ways 'indefinable' and 'unknowable' are the same?
> Marsha
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