Talk about missing the point.
Pity I started this thread.

Dozens of posts in, hard to know how to bring it back to the point.
First reply from Arlo did miss my point, but sincerely, so dialogue
was possible.
Second reply from Dave, produced of smokescreen quotes cut and paste
from elsewhere, and started the usual obligatory ad-hominem attacks.
Disgusting behaviour.
Third from Ron, provided Dave with a second opportunity for an
ant-religious smokescreen out of nowhere to trample the thread into
the ground, with unrelated bollox.
And MD is off and running - missing the point.

So starting where I started.

Not non-intellectual or anti-intellectual, but the idea of
intellectual but more so, more evolved, more progressive kind of
intellectual. (Forget any previous coining of post-intelletual-ism,
I'd like to avoid the errors of history, not re-inforce them.)

How about it.
An intellect informed by pre-intelletual radical-empiraical
Pirsigian-quality is surely "better" than one that is not. Like GOF
intellect, only better.

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