Axel Hecht wrote:

It seems like people are confused again on the target audience.

Whether it would be web developers or mozilla developers. From what I read in the vicinity of this, be talks about mozilla developers, working on both the mozilla code itself or extensions.

Right. Web development in the sense of "I want to write an HTML page that works well in Mozilla and other top browsers" should not be our primary focus, I argue. The problem we're trying to help solve with documentation is answering the question "how do I develop this application or app-extension using XUL and other Mozilla platform components?"

But even then, we should prolly define the target audience a bit stricter. Like, do we talk to people who wanna write extensions or do we talk to people who wanna fix table printing bugs (hi bernd). And if both, how do we make clear which audience a particular page targets?

Good question. I don't have a slick answer, but it's important not to focus too much on the smaller markets (table printing bugfixers, although we welcome new help there as elsewhere) at the expense of the larger ones (extension authors, whole-XUL-app authors). We need a way to categorize and guide people quickly into the right area; we can stand to have an area for core C++ code docs to-do with Gecko table code, etc. -- but that's not first priority.

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