Unfortunately I'm running Windows rather than Linux.  I will take that plunge once it 
is more configuration user-friendly.  The -V4 switch in v3.57 (without -v which 
doesn't appear to be required).  I noticed that prior Lame versions required -V5 to 
average close to 128kb/s whereas -V4 is now closer.

I notice also that silence appears to be encoding at 64kb/s rather than 32 as 
specified, whereas Xing VBR (normal) encodes it at 48kb/s.

The major factor which concerned me was a frequency analysis I performed on a song 
encoded with -V5 (v3.57) which averaged around 112kb/s.  It did not show anything over 
16khz.  I realise that without the -k option that bitrates below 128 are cut at 16khz 
but surely with VBR there should be higher bit-rates and so higher freqencies.


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