> I've advertised on all the MSX sites I can find, shipping from NL
> shouldn't be a big issue and I know the PSUs are compatible. No-one has
> offered a disk drive.

You should ask complete MSX2 with drive(s). Separate disk drives are
a bit harder to find.

> I'm looking into tracking one down in Russia, but I need to know if they
> can take the SFG module or not (most Yamaha machines can, but the YIS-
> 805 uses a different chassis and they may have decided to not offer that
> option). Once again, if going to Russia I think the CX5MII/128 with
> music hardware is quite rare, so a collector would perhaps consider a
> swap - shipping would be a killer, of course.

At least with adpater they can take SFG (as well as all other MSX
computers can).

> What I really want is a diskdrive, though! MSX2s are very interesting,
> but the diskdrive would be useful ;)

And most separate disk drives you can find are "just" 360kB drives.

        Greetings: Saku Taipale, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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