> msxfi...@icongames.com.br wrote:
>>> Definitely, the consensus on #msxdev is that it could even be done on a
>>> single Gfx9000.
>> In Basic? With 5 planes and parallax scrolling? I doubt... but by all
>> means, prove me wrong :)
> Not in BASIC, obviously, but GOOD LUCK adding enemies or any kind of
> other on-screen action in BASIC! :S
> Even in BASIC-Kun it would be hell to program any sort of complex game,
> even though it would be fast enough to handle it.
I know :)

But one of the most impressive things about the VSU, is that it frees a
lot the z80 processing, so you can do a lot more than we are used to, even
in BASIC ;)

> Also, I don't see "5 planes and parallax scrolling". I see:
> - sky/wall layer
> - forest/foreground layer, with sprite priority
> - player sprite
> - water animation
The only sprite there is the player. The rest was done on individual
layers. Also the whole map is on VRAM!

You actually have:

- the sky layer
- the wall layer (notice it doesn't scroll together with the sky)
- the houses layer (+floor and the player sprite)
- the foreground layer (columns, bridge, etc)
- the water anim

> Anyway, don't take this as critique on the VSU unit! It's just that a
> simple BASIC demo could never show the tremendous power this unit
> possesses. In fact, that the shown demo could already run on a single
> V9990 just hints at how incredible 2xV9990 + 2xV9958 could be.
Of course. Oazem is using BASIC because he "isn't a programmer" (his own
words, BASIC is easier for him, and still, he struggles to make anything
on it) ;)

>> Next year, Oazem will take almost his full time to finish it.
> Great news! I'm looking forward to it.
We all are ;)

> Do you have any information on how the MP3 codec works? Does it have
> separate RAM, and is it possible to store multiple songs on it? Also, is
> there any lag or delay when starting a song?
> MP3 background music + MoonSound for sound effects and tunes/jingles
> would be absolutely stunning.

I spoke briefly to him about it during the meeting - there is no delay to
load the songs, and you can store several songs on it (as I understood -
don't quote me on that, I'm not 100% sure - it has a internal CF slot,
with 2GB of memory). You can tell it to play any song, at any time, to go
forward/backward and even loop by itself.

And the idea is EXACTLY that. Music will be handled by the MP3 player,
while Moonsound would be used mainly to sound fx.

BTW: I looked (quickly) around and found almost nothing on how to play a
sample on OPL4/Moonsound. Does anyone have any pointers for me? Note that
I don't need a "how to use" for any replayer, just how to play "one sound
fx" ;)

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