Definitely, the consensus on #msxdev is that it could even be done on a
single Gfx9000.

In Basic? With 5 planes and parallax scrolling? I doubt... but by all
means, prove me wrong :)

Not in BASIC, obviously, but GOOD LUCK adding enemies or any kind of other on-screen action in BASIC! :S

Even in BASIC-Kun it would be hell to program any sort of complex game, even though it would be fast enough to handle it.

Also, I don't see "5 planes and parallax scrolling". I see:
- sky/wall layer
- forest/foreground layer, with sprite priority
- player sprite
- water animation

So that's 2 layers, sprites and sprite priority overlays and some tile updating for the water animation.

Anyway, don't take this as critique on the VSU unit! It's just that a simple BASIC demo could never show the tremendous power this unit possesses. In fact, that the shown demo could already run on a single V9990 just hints at how incredible 2xV9990 + 2xV9958 could be.

Next year, Oazem will take almost his full time to finish it.
Only when finished he can stipulate a price. But as for availability - he
already bought and have plenty of material to build several units.

Great news! I'm looking forward to it.

Do you have any information on how the MP3 codec works? Does it have separate RAM, and is it possible to store multiple songs on it? Also, is there any lag or delay when starting a song? MP3 background music + MoonSound for sound effects and tunes/jingles would be absolutely stunning.



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