2009/9/28  <msxfi...@icongames.com.br>:
>> Also, what about price and availability... Is this ever going to be a
>> product?
> Next year, Oazem will take almost his full time to finish it. It is
> already finished (the vdp/opl4/mp3 part), but he wants to "polish" it and
> implement a couple of more features.
> Only when finished he can stipulate a price. But as for availability - he
> already bought and have plenty of material to build several units.

just curious… if the product probably is too expensive already for
people to buy, why add more features?
This thing sounds like it is more expensive than the
GFX9000/Moonsound, and just look at the small userbase that those have

Don't get me wrong; I think that this product looks marvellous; but it
would be a shame if no-one ended up getting it or developing for it
because they either already had a GFX9000/Moonsound, or because it
would've gotten too expensive/expanded… as we've seen with more
expansion units in the past.

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