2008/5/10 Brian Schweitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Frederik 'Freso' S. Olesen

> If we could figure that that 1996 Brazilian release's toc was the one with
> funky times, sure, that could be helpful.  So, I could maybe see why it
> might be useful for people to attach tocs to events, but only if we assumed
> people would generally and actually attach them to the right events...  and
> I'm a bit pessimistic that that most tocs would actually end up attached to
> the right event.

in my original suggestion, the assigning of TOCs to release events
would be a separate stage to the assigning of TOCs to a release. as
in..the only reason you'd ever start assigning TOCs to release events
would be if you have the CD to hand. otherwise you just leave it in
the main release pool as usual.

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