On Sonntag, 16. Dez. 2001 at 12:12:12, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:

>When you are sending mails to an "lists" address both the list and your
>address are in the MFT header, when sending to an "subscribe"d address
>only the list address is in the MFT header.

Hello Nicolas,

this is not correct. When you only take the "list" command, mutt don't
generate a Mail-Followup-To header. With subscribe it will generate
it. When you don't want your adress in the Mail-Followup-To header,
you must have this in your .muttrc:

set followup_to
unset metoo

In the manual there is in the section "6.3.50. followup_to" the
following explanation:

Controls whether or not the Mail-Followup-To header field is generated
when sending mail.  When set, Mutt will generate this field when you
are replying to a known mailing list, specified with the ``subscribe''
or ````lists'''' commands.

Hth Michael

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