Karen Coyle <kco...@kcoyle.net> wrote:

> There are two possible values for author: the author ID and the author  
> name. It seems to me that both are of interest -- the author ID would  
> be another entry point for getting more info, but the author name  
> allows immediate use/display of the work data. Would it be useful to  
> have both? Or is the author ID enough?
> Also, subjects also have an ID in OL... so the same question applies.  

Please, provide both human readable strings and ids, and some way of showing 
how they match!  An important use of such records is to provide a 
displays which allow the user to chase further for more information through 
the ids. It should not be necessary for the user to have to resolve the ids
before making such displays.
This issue is independent of the format you are offering records in (RDF, JSON, 

However, note that the record below (from Ed's previous message) is missing 
any author/creator element.  Neither id nor string is apparent.


> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <RDF xmlns:ol="http://openlibrary.org/type/work";>
> >   <ol:lc_classifications>TK5105.888 .B46 1999</ol:lc_classifications>
> >   <ol:title>Weaving the Web</ol:title>
> >   <ol:covers>48833</ol:covers>
> >   <ol:first_publish_date>1999</ol:first_publish_date>
> >   <ol:key>/works/OL158398W</ol:key>
> >   <ol:authors>http://openlibrary.org.rdf</ol:authors>
> >   <ol:subject_people>Tim Berners-Lee</ol:subject_people>
> >   <ol:type>http://openlibrary.org/type/work.rdf</ol:type>
> >   <ol:subjects>World Wide Web</ol:subjects>
> >   <ol:subjects>History</ol:subjects>
> >   <ol:subjects>Accessible book</ol:subjects>
> >   <ol:subjects>Protected DAISY</ol:subjects>
> > </RDF>
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