isPrimaryTopicOf - thanks Ed.


On 4 Jun 2010, at 12:16, Ed Summers wrote:

> I support Rob's suggestions to see what you can get out of FOAF before
> using RDA. But I realize you've had a hand in designing the RDA
> vocabulary, so it's understandable that you want to use it. Some
> comments inline below.
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Rob Styles <> wrote:
>> I'd like to understand if you're modelling this as a person, or as a 
>> "bibliographic entity" as obviously that has implications. Putting aside the 
>> possible confusion of pen-names my preference would be to see the author 
>> modelled as a person, or an organisation if a corporate author. This should 
>> be shown as a type statement so we know which way OL goes.
>>        <> a foaf:Person ;
>> If using foaf Person, it might be better to foaf:name for the name, foaf 
>> doesn't include a variant name so you might need to invent that, or where 
>> possible you could parse the name into family and given using the foaf 
>> properties. I know, names are a can of worms.
> +1 for modelling as a foaf:Person
>> Having made Margaret a Person, it then wouldn't be right to say that she was 
>> modified! You'd have to add in some data about the representation or dataset.
>>        <> dcterms:modified 
>> "2010-04-12 12:42:10.448987" ;
>>                dcterms:subject <> .
>> That date would ideally be typed as well, so we can do date sorting:
>>        <> dcterms:modified 
>> "2010-04-12 12:42:10.448987"^^xsd:Date ;
>> It would also be good for the date of birth to be formatted and typed as an 
>> xsd:Date:
>>        <> rdg2:dateOfBirth 
>> "1936-03-21"^^xsd:Date ;
> +1 for using xsd:Date. If I were doing it I would probably model the
> birth using bio:Birth:
>  <> bio:event [a bio:Birth
> ; bio:date 1936-03-21"^^xsd:Date] .
> It's a bit more work to create a event resource, but I think it's
> worth at least trying to do. It is particularly handy when attaching
> additional information, like where the person was born, etc.
>> A further implication of making Margaret a Person is that you can't use 
>> bibo:uri, bibo says that things with a uri are either a Document or a 
>> Collection, and those are not compatible with also being a Person. Also, uri 
>> probably isn't the right term to describe the 'aboutness' of a page. I did 
>> think foaf had topicOf, but I can't see it in the spec - but something like
>>        <> foaf:topicOf 
>> <>
> Couldn't you use:
>  <> foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf
> <> .
>> Note, the uri is treated as a resource in RDF so goes in <> rather than 
>> quotes.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by:
>>    rdg2:identifierForThePerson "/authors/OL31800A" ;
>> isn't the full uri <> the identifier 
>> for the person?
> Similar confusion here. I could see this sort of information being
> important in a non-rdf serialization though.
> //Ed
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