On 10/29/2014 07:22 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
> On 10/28/2014 05:22 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:
>> A draft schedule has been posted for the cross-project design summit track:
>> http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/overview/type/cross-project+workshops#.VFAFFXVGjUa
>> If you have any schedule changes to propose for really bad conflicts,
>> please let me know.  We really tried to minimize conflicts, but it's
>> impossible to resolve them all.
>> The next steps are to identify session leads and get the leads to write
>> session descriptions to put on the schedule.  We're collecting both at
>> the top of the proposals etherpad:
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-crossproject-summit-topics
>> If you were the proposer of one of these sessions and are not already
>> listed as the session lead, please add yourself.  If you'd like to
>> volunteer to lead a session that doesn't have a lead, please speak up.
>> For the sessions you are leading, please draft a description on the
>> etherpad that can be used for the session on sched.org.
>> Thank you!
> I was trying to track down the origin of the "Debugging Gate Failures"
> submission -
> http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/event/5cfc92906adc5830355ddcedbb95d977
> (through matching hex author colors in etherpad... fun!)
> It looks like John G copied it over because someone (lost to the mists
> of time) put it in the Nova ideas etherpad.
> I'd actually argue that a 40 minute interactive session without much
> prep isn't going to be all that useful (and honestly probably a terrible
> experience for all parties involved). This is a topic that Jay, Dan, and
> I have discussed for doing an upcoming bootstrapping hour on (which also
> means it would have a long term archived version), and I think that's
> probably a better way to do a thing like this.
> As there is no owner for this, there is no one to pull it out of the
> agenda. But I think it's something that should be considered.

I'm fine with pulling it.  If so, we can give something else 2
timeslots, or pull another topic back in.  Any suggestions for one that
could use 2 slots?

On a related note, next time around, if we use etherpads for proposals
again, we should really use some common formatting for proposals, and
require a session lead listed.

Russell Bryant

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