Hi all,

An update on this problem, I've managed to solve it by the following steps

[*]As I was operating in Debug mode, the IVE plugin required "zlib1d.dll" - so 
I copy/pasted zlib1.dll and renamed it to "d" and put this in C:\. I can 
confirm this works now in debug and release
[*]Then I do the serialization to stream as suggested above
[*]Finally, I can get a pointer to the ostringstream's string buffer and copy 
it to my destination file writer to complete the custom serialization


// Create an output string stream and write the node to the stream
std::ostringstream outputStream;
osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult wr = writer->writeNode(*geode, outputStream, 

// Get the string containing the Geode data and the length of the string
std::string geodeString = outputStream.str();
int geodeLength = geodeString.length();

const char * pGeodeBytes = geodeString.c_str();

// Do work with pGeodeBytes


Thanks for the stringstream code!

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