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Hi Jean Sebastien,

On 03/18/10 17:40, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been checking out osgAnimation in the past few days, and
> one thing that hasn't been clear to me is whether it supports
> animation mixing or blending, and how. For example, if a character
> goes from standing to walking, then walking to running, can I set
> it up so that the transition between these animations is smooth?
> Supposing I have a walk cycle and a run cycle animations set up
> correctly of course.
Yes it's possible but the api of BasicAnimationManager does not expose
it, the TimelineAnimationManager let you to setup stuff with more details.
Have a look to the example osganimationtimeline, and in the file

> Next question, where could I find an example of this (assets and
> possibly code - though with a good explanation I can work the code
> out myself I'm sure)? I've found one walking character here:
> http://creators.xna.com/en-US/sample/skinnedmodel
> but he has only a walk cycle. Could anyone point me to an example
> model that would have multiple animations set up so I can look at
> how it's been done and try it out? Preferably in Collada or FBX
> format.
> On the subject of models, does anyone know of any place (web site)
> where I could buy skinned and animated models of characters? I
> presume such a resource exists, but I wanted to know if people had
> a specific one to recommend.
I can't help about data, all data i used was exporter from the blender
exporter, an example of what you can do with osgAnimation is on this
live stream http://stream.pok.me/stream.ogg
You can have a look to the source code here http://hg.plopbyte.net/pokme/
> Finally, osganimationhardware nathan.osg is giving me problems. It
> crashes after showing the first frame in
> State::setVertexAttribPointer() called from
> RigGeometry::drawImplementation() - stack trace below.
> I'd really like to be able to see the hardware skinning. With the
> character at the link above, osganimationviewer (software skinning
> I presume) runs well but the update time is close to 16ms per frame
> on my pretty recent machine. I'm thinking if that time is spent
> updating the vertex arrays for the skinning, there might be a
> chance the hardware skinning would reduce that? Obviously using a
> lighter mesh would too, and I won't be using that exact mesh in our
> project, but anything that can help us maintain a good frame rate
> is welcome.
Yes hardware should improve, not that for small skinned mesh, it does
not help at all.
I will have a look at that crash this evening.
> Thanks in advance,
> J-S


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