Hi Jason,

Thanks for answering. As I said I'm looking into osgAnimation, the goal is to see if it would fit our needs to do some basic character animation. Our needs will probably grow with time, of course, which is why I want to see if the content-creation pipeline would work for us and also if osgAnimation would scale well enough to be future-proof for a reasonable amount of time.

We were also looking into DIGuy, they say it integrates easily into OSG but I'll have to see if it does hardware skinning, and also the runtime licensing costs seem pretty high. I would prefer osgAnimation, but only if it can be proven reasonably stable and if we can get our content into it easily.

We don't use osgAnimation (yet),

What do you use? Your own code?

The Collada spec is kind of flexible on
how multiple animations are handled on a single character in the same
document. It seems as if it's up to the application to determine how it
wants to interpret the library_animations hierarchy.

I've been investigating the fbx format as a way of getting the models and animation into OSG, and something similar to the above seems to be happening with that format too. It's giving me a bit of trouble right now... Here's what I'm seeing:

1. The fbx sample model (with the walk cycle) downloaded from the XNA site works well in osganimationviewer (I have to convert it to .osg and set all Material diffuseColor alphas to 1, see the other thread, but osgconv understands that fbx model well) 2. If I import the fbx file into XSI Mod Tool and re-export it in fbx format, then the fbx plugin (either through osgconv or osganimationviewer) asserts when trying to read it. The file size is similar but not the same as the original fbx file I downloaded, so I assume XSI moves things around in the hierarchy when importing or exporting the file that makes the fbx plugin not understand the file anymore...

I don't have time to debug the plugin right now to see what changes in the file's structure between step 1 and 2, but I'd like to, just so that the plugin would work with XSI (which is my personal favorite 3D app, even though I'm not a modeler/artist in any way).

 From my experience, hardware skinning is critical. For models of decent
complexity (a couple thousand verts), the CPU just isn't up to the task
if you get more than a couple of them on screen (at least not without
significant efforts to optimize the code, but writing a vertex shader is
a lot easer).

That's what I thought. Hopefully Cedric will be able to find and fix the problem that makes it crash and I'll be able to have a look.


Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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