Hi Christian,

NVAPI as found here
http://developer.download.nvidia.com/NVAPI/NVAPI_May2009.zip describes
details in the "Stereoscopic 3D APIs" section how to turn on 3D mode
and even how to swap left/right eyes on stereoscopic surfaces with

Unfortunately OpenGL surfaces do not seem to be supported. So one
would have to take a slow code path reading the pixel data from an
OpenGL surface and writing it into a DirectX9 surface. Ouch. This
might not be feasible at high frame rates at all.

That was my impression as well. 3D stereoscopic api seems to be created for Direct3D developers to check if Stereo is running and override/modify its parameters. The API is probably used to provide native 3D Vision support from a DirectX game. I guess its used by recently advertrised S3D aware Unreal.

I am curiouse if NVAPI gives access to shutter glasses. If shutter control is possible and possible is 120 hz refresh rate through display settings, one could try emulate 3D stereo effect by alternate eye view rendering. But thats a quite tricky solution either.

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