On 09/05/2012 05:15 PM, Rafa Gaitan wrote:
Hi Jan,

I'm glad you are using it, I'm answering you below.

2012/9/5 Jan Ciger <jan.ci...@gmail.com <mailto:jan.ci...@gmail.com>>

    Hello Rafael,

    I have tried your osgAndroid library, it does indeed work for me
    after fixing few details, such as incorrect project references in

Nice to hear that worked for you, Could you post me the changes?, If the
changes are related to the Android.mk files, this is something you need
to change in order to build against OSG (maybe I need to add the note to
the wiki). If are related to the eclipse projects I will be happy to fix
them :).

I think that the name of the project referenced by example is wrong - it doesn't install the JNI libs with the Camera example unless you set the projects are referenced from the example.

I will check what other changes I had to make, but it wasn't much or it was specific to my setup.

I've been using MatrixTransform for AR applications and I don't remember
that kind of issues, but JNI stuff is tricky and maybe there is a bug
there. Sometimes if you don't keep correctly the reference count of OSG
objects between Java and C++ weird things happen.

Could you post the code or a simple example so I could check it on my
side? Anyway I'm going to test it in order to replicate your problem.

Sure, I can do that. The code is a simple mod of your example. I will send you a follow-up e-mail with the code and the other changes tomorrow when I am back at the office.


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